Wednesday, August 29, 2012

snip, snip

The time had come. Too many strangers were mistaking my sweet little boy for a cute little girl. I know, it's the bright blue, big eyes. That, and the hair down over his ears, I suppose. And I don't really care what strangers think, but food was also getting stuck in his hair. And so the day before his first birthday, I attempted Caleb's first haircut - from the safety of my kitchen, and with the help of a dear friend!

Here's the before shot.

After gathering up the supplies - a comb, scissors, high chair, spray bottle with water, m&ms and sunglasses, I got started... for I knew I had a short window of time in which to complete the trim!

First cut down.... and maybe a little too far up... oh well!

He had just woken from a nap, and so was pretty happy - and the m&ms helped (his first taste of them, might I add). Here's the after, from behind... not TERrible.

And the sad, sad remnants...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Beach Bums

After a few weeks of working at camp, we "ended" our summer with another trip - family vacation with Rob's parents and siblings to Ocean City, Maryland. Both of us grew up going to OC as kids, so it was fun to go for Caleb's first time! We did lots of sun-soaking, swimming, eating, biking, reading and playing games. 

On the last full day there, it was a little bit overcast and so there weren't as many people on the beach, and we got some pictures of Caleb, just a few days before his first birthday (Is my baby really turning one?!?)...

He's become quite the little ham recently. One night out to dinner, all of the wait staff were swooning over him. One waitress came up and said "I've just GOT to see these big blue eyes everyone is talking about!".

This week, we're in back-to-school (for Rob) mode and party prep mode (for Caleb and me).